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Namratha Oil Refineries Pvt. Ltd.: Tackling Oil Giveaway
作者姓名:Amol S. Dhaigude; Vasanth Kamath VP; Arun P. Sasi;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B19E022
出版日期:2019/11/15內容長度:13 頁

In March 2017, the director of operations at Namratha Oil Refineries Pvt. Ltd., a leading manufacturer and distributor of high-quality packaged coconut oil in southwest India, faced a challenge. Because of inefficiencies in the company’s packaging division, pouches, jars, and bottles were being overfilled with coconut oil, leading to an “oil giveaway” that had weakened the company’s bottom line. The director analyzed the current processes and discovered .....more

Namratha Oil Refineries Pvt. Ltd.: Tackling Oil Giveaway - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Amol S. Dhaigude; Vasanth Kamath VP; Arun P. Sasi;
出版日期:2019/11/15內容長度:13 頁

Teaching note for product 9B19E022.